All official documents produced by the Commission are available below.
Annual Reports
Compilations of all actions taken each year in the 12 months ending October 31
Adopted Resolutions and Actions
For proposed resolutions and actions, see the Meetings tab
[ANC5F-25-001] Resolution to Adopt Bylaws and Standard Procedures (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-002] Resolution to Join the ANC Security Fund (Commissioner Hurst)
[ANC5F-25-003] Resolution to Open ANC 5F Bank Account (Commissioner Hurst)
[ANC5F-25-004] Resolution to Adopt 2023 Meeting Calendar (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-005] Resolution to Establish a Task Force on Outreach and to Set Up ANC 5F Website, Social Media Accounts, Email List, and Technology for Meetings (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-006] Resolution to Establish a Library Task Force (Commissioner Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-007] Resolution to Support Theological College Request for Variance of Use, BZA No. 20844 (Commissioner Hurst)
[ANC5F-25-008] Resolution to Support ABRA License for Kraken Court (Commissioner Williams)
[ANC5F-25-009] Resolution to Share Assets of Previous 5E Commission (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-010] Resolution Supporting Budget Request for Additional Air Pollution Monitoring (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-011] Resolution Supporting Budget Request for Expanding Violence Interruption Services in Edgewood (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-012] Resolution Requesting Traffic Safety Mitigations for Hope Community Charter School’s Tolson Campus (Commissioner Sahni)
Government Response Letter: DDOT_25-012_Response
[ANC5F-25-013] Resolution Supporting Budget Request for Improving Metropolitan Branch Trail (MBT) Connectivity (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-014] Resolution Requesting DDOT Continue to Prioritize Safety for NOI# 22-183-PSD and Accompanying Letter (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-015] Resolution Supporting Budget Requests for Frequent and Reliable Bus Service, Transit Priority, and Safety Improvements on New York Avenue, Rhode Island Avenue, and Other Corridors (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-016] Resolution Supporting Continued Budget Support for the Eckington/Edgewood Library (Commissioner Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-017] Resolution Supporting Budget Request for Enhanced Litter Removal (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-018] Resolution Supporting Budget Request for Recreation Center Hours (Commissioner Hurst)
[ANC5F-25-019] Resolution to Adopt 2023 Budget (Commissioner Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-020] Resolution Supporting Budget Request for Metropolitan Branch Trail Improvements (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-021] Resolution Supporting Budget Request for Community Pocket Parks (Commissioner Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-022] Resolution Supporting Zoning Modifications of Consequence Application of Monroe Street Project (Commissioner Hurst, Co-Sponsor Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-023] Resolution Requesting Traffic Calming for the 2800 Block of 6th Street NE (Commissioner Sahni, Co-sponsor Hurst)
Government Response Letter: DDOT_23-023_Letter
[ANC5F-25-024] Resolution Supporting Transportation to School for Students with Special Needs (Commissioner Sahni, Co-sponsor Commissioner Hurst)
[ANC5F-25-025] Resolution Supporting Traffic Safety Improvements for Concrete Bulb-outs and Bioretention Along Streets (Commissioner Galvan)
Government Response Letter: DDOT 23-025 Letter
[ANC5F-25-026] Resolution Supporting Traffic Safety Improvements for Raised Crosswalks and All-Way Stop Control at Schools (Commissioner Galvan)
Government Response Letter: DDOT 25-026 Response
[ANC5F-25-027] Resolution Supporting Traffic Safety Improvements for Speed Limit Reductions in the School Zone Area (Commissioner Galvan)
Government Response Letter DDOT_25-027_Response
[ANC5F-25-028] Resolution Requesting Safety Improvements in Response to District Department of Transportation Notice of Intent 23-39-TESD (Commissioner Galvan, Co-sponsors Commissioner Sahni and Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-029] Resolution Supporting Traffic Safety Improvements for Bollards Supporting Bollards and Signage at Roadway Intersections at the Metropolitan Branch Trail (Commissioner Galvan)
Government Response Letter DDOT 25-029 Letter
[ANC5F-25-030] Resolution Supporting Traffic Safety, Reduced Heat Island Effect, and Neighborhood Quality of Life Improvement (Commissioner Galvan)
Government Response Letter: DDOT_25-030_Letter
[ANC5F-25-031] Resolution Supporting Improvements to Langley Elementary School (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-032] Resolution Supporting Lost Generation Brewing Company's ABRA Stipulated License Application (Commissioner Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-033] Resolution Requesting Safety Improvements in Response to Automatic Traffic Enforcement for Oversized Vehicles (Commissioner Galvan)
Government Response Letter: DDOT_25-037_Response
Government Response Letter: DDOT_25-038_Response
[ANC5F-25-040] Resolution Supporting BZA Case # 20908 (638 Edgewood St NE) (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-041] Resolution Supporting BZA Case#20934 (628 Girard St NE) (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-042] Resolution Requesting Community Engagement for the Department of Public Works (DPW) (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-043] Resolution Supporting Community Enforcement of Littering Laws and Trash Pick-up For the Department of Public Works (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-044] Resolution Supporting 3250 9th Street NE Map Amendment (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-045] Resolution on Florida Avenue Bus Lanes Design Request (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-046] Resolution Endorsing Draft Recommendations From the New York Avenue NE Vision Framework (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-047] Resolution Urging the DC Government to Pursue Highway Education Funds for Automated Traffic Enforcement in School Zones (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-048] Resolution Requesting a Briefing on the Congestion Pricing Study and Ending Future Diversions of ATE Camera Revenue (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-049] Motion to Send Attached Letter to the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities to support Ira Tattleman’s grant renewal for Earth Day Found-Art Exhibition in Alethia Tanner Park (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-050] Resolution on Rhode Island Avenue NE Better Bus Proposals and Safety Improvements (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-051] Resolution on NOI# 22-116-TOA (1500 Block of Harry Thomas Way and 1600 Block of Eckington Place NE) (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-052] Resolution Adopting Amendments to ANC 5F Standard Procedures (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-053] Resolution Support Dispatch Health Certificate of Need (Commissioner Hurst)
[ANC5F-25-054] Resolution Supporting Zoning Commission Case No. 23-07 (701 Michigan Ave NE) (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-055] Resolution Urging Office of Unified Communications to Undertake Reforms of the 911 System (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-056] Resolution Supporting Bryant Street Phase 2 (Commissioner Williams)
[ANC5F-25-057] Resolution Authorizing Settlement Agreement with Dance Place (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-058] Resolution Endorsing Request for No Parking Signs at 3rd and R Street NE (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-059] Resolution Endorsing Modification of the ANC Statute to Allow permanent Hybrid or Virtual Meetings, and Modernized Public Notice Methods (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-060] Resolution Supporting Analysis and Consideration of a DC Child Tax Credit (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-061] Resolution Authorizing Protest or Settlement Agreement with ABCA-111172 Brookland Supermarket and Deli (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-062] Resolution Adopting 2024 ANC 5F Budget (Commissioner Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-063] Resolution Conditionally Supporting DDOT NOI 23-206-TESD (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-064] Resolution Endorsing Request for Litter Can Installations at Locations Near Commercial Businesses, Arterials, Bus Stops, and Schools (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-065] Resolution Supporting Closing and the Removal of the National Engineering Products Chemical Facility Located in Ivy City, Northeast, Washington DC (Commissioner Galvan, co-sponsor Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-066] Resolution Supporting Environmental Justice Act of 2023 (Commissioner Galvan, co-sponsor Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-068] Resolution Amending Standard Procedures (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-069] Resolution Calling January 23, 2024 Commission Meeting (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-070] Resolution Supporting BZA Application #21030 So Others May Eat at 1801 4th Street NE (Commissioner Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-071] Resolution Supporting 2 specific special reliefs for BZA Case #20981 (1941 2nd Street NE) (Commissioner Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-072] Resolution on Alcohol Licensing Committee Changes to Include Cannabis Licensing (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-073] Resolution to Join the ANC Security Fund (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-074] Resolution Requesting Wayfinding Improvements in Edgewood and Eckington (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-075] Resolution Requesting Striping, Marking, and Protection Improvements Along 4th Street NE (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-076] Resolution on Mental Health Support in the District of Columbia (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-077] Resolution on Fare Evasion in the District of Columbia (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-078] Resolution to Adopt a 2024 Meeting Calendar (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-079] Resolution on Carjackings and Traffic Safety in the District of Columbia (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-080] Resolution on Gun Violence in the District of Columbia (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-081] Resolution Requesting Budget Support for Rhode Island Ave Improvements (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-082] Resolution Requesting Scope & Specifics of DDOT Sidewalk Construction at T St NE (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-083] Resolution requesting agreement on snow and ice removal on the Metropolitan Branch Trail and Bryant St NE (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-084] Resolution Requesting Traffic Calming for the 700 Block of Jackson St NE (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-085] Resolution requesting DPR submit a budget request for shade at Edgewood Recreation Center (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-086] Resolution Requesting DPR Install an Additional Child Fence at Edgewood Rec Center (Commissioner Hurst)
[ANC5F-25-087] Resolution Requesting Agreement on Snow, Ice, and Litter Removal on the Franklin St NE and Monroe St NE Bridges (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-088] Resolution in Support of Metropolitan Branch Trail Connectivity to the Taylor St Corridor Mobility Lanes (Commissioner Sahni)
Response Letter: DDOT 25-088 Response
[ANC5F-25-089] Resolution on Air Quality Permit 7301-SM for Fort Myers Construction Corporation - Plant #1 2001 5th Street NE (Commissioners Galvan & Hurst)
Response Letter: DDOT 25-089 Response
[ANC5F-25-090] Resolution Amending the 2024 Budget to Account for Zoom Subscription Price Increases (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-091] Resolution in Opposition to the Initiative Amendment Act of 2023 (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-092] Resolution Supporting Zoning Case 24-05 (700 Monroe St NE) (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-093] Resolution Supporting Inspired Teaching School’s Request to the Public Charter School Board (Commissioner Hurst)
[ANC5F-25-094] Resolution Supporting the Admittance of Washington, D.C. Into the Union as a State of the United States of America (Commissioners Sahni & Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-095] Resolution to Protest ABCA License #060758 Mac's Wine & Liquors (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-096] Resolution Authorizing Settlement Agreement with Mac's Wine & Liquors, ABCA-060758 (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-097] Resolution Authorizing Settlement Agreement with 501 Wine & Spirits, ABCA-120541 (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman
[ANC5F-25-098] Resolution Authorizing Settlement Agreement with Trader Joe's East, Inc., ABCA-128542 (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-099] Resolution Requesting Traffic Calming for the Intersection of 7th St NE and Hamlin St NE (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-100] Resolution in Support of ZC #23-24 Eckington Mews (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-101] Resolution Supporting a Strong, Equitable Beverage Container Deposit-Return Law (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-102] Resolution in Support of Proposed Curve Art Installation in Mamie "Peanut" Johnson (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-103] Resolution Supporting the Environmental Justice Amendment Act of 2023 (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-104] Resolution Requesting Traffic Calming on the 1700 Block of 3rd St NE (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-105] Resolution to Protest ABRA-095032 (Edgewood International Wine & Spirits) Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-106] Resolution Adopting Settlement Agreement in ABCA-129377 (The Warehouse, 2210 5th St NE) (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-107] Resolution Supporting Action Plan to Reduce Encampment and Capacity Issues at Emery Low Barrier Shelter (Commissioner Galvan)
[ANC5F-25-108] Resolution to Adopt ANC 5F 2025 Budget (Commissioner Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-109] Resolution Requesting Actions to Prevent Injuries on the Metropolitan Branch Trail (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-110] Resolution in Support of the Vacant to Vibrant Amendment Act (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-111] Resolution Requesting Retention of Bus Stops at 4th St NE & Todd Place NE (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-112] Resolution Calling For Safety Countermeasures at New York Ave NE & Florida Ave NE Crossing (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-113] Resolution Calling For DDOT Investigation Into Citywide Protected Bike Lanes on Q or R Street NE & NW Connecting to the Metropolitan Branch Trail (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-114] Resolution Requesting Rapid Funding and Implementation of Initiative 83 (Commissioner Sahni)
[ANC5F-25-115] Resolution in Support of Application BZA 21207 (15 Rhode Island Ave NW) (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-116] Resolution in Support of Application with Conditions in BZA 19887A (1724 North Capitol St NW) (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-117] Resolution Requesting Party Status and Joint ANC Meeting on ZC Application Relating to 901 Monroe St NE (Commissioner Bishop-Henchman)
[ANC5F-25-118] Resolution Regarding Medical Cannabis Licensee ABRA-127855 (The Family Tree, 2316 4th St NE) (Commissioner Anderson)
[ANC5F-25-119] Resolution to Protest Medical Cannabis License ABRA-127855 (Commissioner Galvan)